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What is it? CoolTech fat freezing technology is a popular, non-surgical treatment that effectively and permanently reduces fat deposits by up to 25% even in the most stubborn areas of the body. It is the mechanical version of liposuction.
How it works? It uses cryolipolysis, a controlled cooling technology that safely and effectively freezes unwanted fat cells. The vacuum applicator is applied to the area which holds it between cooling panels at a set temperature for up to 70 minutes.
Claim to fame: Targeted fat reduction, progressive and permanent result.
What clients love? Suitable for almost anyone.
Perfect for:​
Abdomen, back, thighs, hips, legs, arms, saddle bags, muffin tops, love handles
Intravenous L-Carnitine

What is it? L-carnitine is naturally occurring amino acid that helps build muscle, lose weight, and increase overall stamina especially for athletes. This can be administered intravenously for higher absorption.
How it works? L-Carnitine weight loss IV therapy encourages the body to convert excess stored fat into energy. It is usually carried out once a week, and each treatment takes about 30 minutes.
Claim to fame: Boost to a healthy eating and exercise plan
What clients love? Faster metabolism regardless of age
Perfect for:​
Weight loss
Improved heart, brain function, and muscular coordination
Getting rid of toxins from the body

What is it? A non-surgical cosmetic solution that diminishes problem areas in the body such as cellulite, excess weight, body contouring, and face/neck rejuvenation.
How it works? It is professionally administered via numerous injections containing various types of vitamins and minerals. Treatment is painless, causes virtually no scarring, though in some patients, swelling and bruising may appear in the area for a few days.
Claim to fame: Targeted weight loss and body sculpting
Perfect for:​
Fat reduction/ Weight loss
Cellulite reduction
Lower blepharoplasty
Facial rejuvenation
ULTRASCULPT (Lipocavitation)

What is it? One of the most advanced technologies in the treatment of localized weight reduction.
How it works? It is a painless non-surgical fat-reduction technique that uses ultrasound to break up fat under the skin. The fat is then dissolved, absorbed into the body and expelled naturally.
Claim to fame: Localized fat reduction
Perfect for:​
Removing unwanted fat
Reducing cellulite
Stimulating blood circulation
Collagen production

What is it? It uses patented tripolar technology RF resulting in tighter and smoother skin.
How it works? Tripolar technology painlessly delivers focused and optimal radio-frequency (RF) energy to the skin surface. The stimulation of collagen rebirth results in the shrinking of fat cells, thus reducing the appearance of cellulite.
Claim to fame: Instant yet long lasting skin tightening effect
Perfect for:​
Mild to moderate signs of aging
Targeted weight loss and body contouring
Collagen production
Cellulite reduction